Hearts of iron 4 spain
Hearts of iron 4 spain

Join the Allies/Adopt the 26 Points Sub-branch Once the Spanish Civil War is over, it allows Nationalist Spain to join the British or American faction, which gives naval bonuses, factories, boosts national recovery and removes the "Recovering From Civil War" national spirit. These two focuses allow Spain to ally Portugal and create the Latin Bloc which also allies with Vichy France, Italy and other Iberian countries if they are available. There is also a focus that allows Portugal to send more volunteers which leads to two focuses that can only be done once the Spanish Civil War is over. It will also bypass an impending Carlist revolt. It gives stability and war support, and combat bonuses. Unify the Nationalist Front Branch This branch focuses on aligning the Falangist and Carlist factions under the leadership of Francisco Franco as Nationalist Spain. The National And Popular Army of Spain/Join the Axis/National Recovery sub-branch Once the Spanish Civil War is over, it gives the Falangists and the Nationalists research bonuses for the army, factories, infrastructure, reduces the effects of the "Recovering From Civil War" national spirit and gives national recovery bonuses. It also gives forts on the French border, stability, political power and research bonuses. It allows Italy and Germany to send more volunteers to aid in the civil war. The Corpo Truppe Volontarie/The Condor Legion Branch This branch is shared between the Falangists and the Nationalists. It recreates the Spanish Empire with war goals against Portugal and its colonies, United Kingdom, France, Italy, The United States, former Spanish Colonies and Brazil. The National-Syndicalist State Sub-branch Once the Spanish Civil War is over, this sub-branch allows Falangist Spain to expand its navy, gain a research slot, gain factories and give army bonuses in recruitable population and training time. This path will force the Carlists to declare war making another faction to fight against in the civil war. The Phalanx Ascendant Branch This branch allows the Falangists to take power, increase Stability, create minor uprisings against Republican Spain, gain a research slot and gain Civilian and Military factories. Unlike the Republican Spanish national focus tree, these focuses take 28 or 35 days rather than 70 days. A post civil war sub-branch can be split from each of these Branches:Ī Great Spain Branch This pre Spanish Civil War branch gives Spain popularity to the Fascist and Non-Aligned parties, Political Power, garrison control over various Spanish states, and various divisions during the Spanish Civil War.

hearts of iron 4 spain

1 pre civil war branch leading into 3 main branches and 2 shared branches. The Nationalist Spanish national focus tree can be divided into 11 sections. Clicking on the branches leads to the appropriate section.

Hearts of iron 4 spain